Catriona Mackenzie

Clinical Director, Rossdales Equine Hospital, Cotton End Road, Exning, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7NN

An update on Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals

R.equi is commonly found in the faeces of adult horses and is therefore impossible to eliminate from the environment of mares and foals. Despite the widespread presence of R.equi in the environment,...

Synovial sepsis in neonatal foals

Septic arthritis can occur as the result of a periarticular infection, inoculation of the joint by a puncture wound, iatrogenic causes or by haematogenous spread (Hardy, 2006). In foals, haematogenous...

Diarrhoea in foals

Foal heat diarrhoea is a self-limiting condition that occurs in 75-80% of foals, aged between 5 and 15 days. Diarrhoea is usually transient, lasting 3–4 days, and foals typically remain bright and...

Failure of passive transfer in foals

Although a large proportion of immune system development occurs during gestation, the foal is considered immunologically naive at birth. Both IgM and IgG proteins are evident in fetal serum prior to...