Wound care

Diagnosis and management of traumatic equine fractures: an update

Fractures of the distal phalanx (pedal bone) usually occur as a result of trauma such as kicking a solid object, standing on a stone or fast exercise on hard ground. Horses may present with similar...

Maggot debridement therapy: from humans to horses

Medical maggots are the same species as those responsible for fly strike, but they are produced to be clinically sterile for use in hospitals and outpatient settings (Hinshaw, 2000)..

Pathway to zero surgical site infections

Preoperative measures include careful patient selection, preparation of the surgical team, hair removal, preparation of the surgical site and rational antibiotic prophylaxis..

Orthopaedic injuries on the racecourse

All racecourse veterinary surgeons should be equipped to provide first aid and emergency treatment on the course and in the stables, as well as to transport these horses to their home yard or a...

Management of splint bone fractures

Conservative management strategies are best suited to minimally displaced splint bone fractures, whether open or closed, simple or comminuted. Treatment consisting of thorough debridement and lavage,...

Factors that cause bandage complications in equines and how they can be resolved

The causes of injury during the time a bandage is on and once it has been removed can be divided into primary and secondary. Primary injury refers to the time that the bandage is still in place, when...