Management of hepatopathy in horses

For a comprehensive discussion of the approach to the liver disease case, readers are referred to a previous UK-Vet Equine review (Tallon and McGovern, 2020b). Once hepatic disease has been identified...

Lipid disorders in horses and foals

In horses, lipids are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of fatty acids. Short-chain fatty acids bind to albumin and travel through the portal circulation, but most fatty acids...

Equine liver disease in the field. Part 2: causes and management

Despite an appropriate diagnostic approach, a causative agent is not identified in many cases of liver disease, and treatment must be guided by clinical signs and biopsy findings. Even biopsy changes...

Equine liver disease in the field. Part 1: approach

The equine liver comprises 1.5% of body weight (Dyce et al, 2002) and contains up to 10% of the total blood volume at any one time. It has multiple functions including metabolism of proteins,...