Understanding, diagnosing and managing endocrinopathic laminitis

Hyperinsulinaemia-associated laminitis is seen when sustained hyperinsulinaemia causes stretching, proliferation and elongation of the digital lamellae without damaging the underlying basement...

Management of the older horse

Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction is one of the most common diseases seen in older horses, and increasing age is the primary risk factor for this disease. Affected horses have a mean age of 21...

Approach to clinical nutrition

Overall, when forming a nutrition plan, the following key areas need to be considered. In addition, when advising on animals which may be competing under specific regulations, it is essential that the...

Equine obesity and the role of the veterinary nurse

In order to understand how to prevent equine obesity, it is first important to recognise what the term obesity actually refers to. Obesity is a qualitative term (Wyse et al, 2008), defined as an...

Optimised environments for horse health and wellbeing: the use of alternative grazing

Track systems involve placing a track around the outside of a field or several fields, and keeping the horses on this tracked area rather than in a central paddock. Items such as water, shelter, hay...